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Students Residence and Winery

Santa Maria do Mar Monastery, Sassoeiros, Carcavelos

The intervention project of Santa Maria do Mar monastery aims to transform the current building into a student’s residence and to instate a new wine cellar and related wine production areas, which will support the development of the existing property vineyard.

Two distinct buildings compose the Santa Maria do Mar monastery. The former building, which is only a small part of the incomplete group, was built between 1959 and 1968 by Nuno Teotónio Pereira atelier and it possesses a deep patrimonial value. The second premise was built in the 1970’s and it does not follow the original plan, being less significant than the first part of the monastery. This clear difference between the two buildings raises unequal approaches when developing the method to convert the monastery into a student’s residence.

Having in mind its patrimonial importance and particular qualities it was decided to fully restore the building of the 60’s (building A), preserving its spatial arrangement entirely, with the exception of some minor adjustments that will be made to all the bedrooms and sanitary facilities. Two major aspects that highly contributed to the fact that only small transformations have to be made to the existing were that both the old and new program are similar in its essence, not having to alter much in its spatial organization; and the excellent conservation state of the building itself, not having to do major interventions to the original construction.

The latest addition built on the 70’s (building B) will be reconverted because it was built with other resources and therefore doesn’t have the same value as the first part of the monastery. In order to sustain the new student’s accommodation program and requirements it will be necessary to demolish part of this building, however its main structure and organization will be preserved.

The wine cellar and corresponding reception and wine tasting spaces (building C) will be an entirely new addition. The new fabric is strategically implanted in order to favor its use and to reconstruct the entrance process, which is currently unclear, as a result of the incompleteness of the original monastic ensemble. This brand-new and important building is placed just after the entrance area, thus formalizing, with greater evidence, the highly ambitioned access patio. In the pursuit of this goal and aiming for the functionality of the complex, the exterior access and parking spaces, as well as those around the building, will have to be rearranged in order to allow access to all its parts.




Pedro Matos Gameiro (Matos Gameiro Arquitectos)

design team

Raquel Batista Pereira, João Lopes, Madalena Figueiroa, Mariana Bacelar

project year

2019 - ...


model matos gameiro arquitectos photography João Lopes

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